Asamyuta Hastas (one-hand gesture)
This page describes the different hand gestures used in Bharathanatyam. Hastas / Mudras (hand gestures) are primarily classified as 28 Asamyuta Hastas (one-hand gesture) and 24 Samyuta Hastas (two-hand gestures).
Each of the hastas can be used to denote various thoughts, ideas and objects. There are various slokas (verses) from the ancient texts that enumerate the usage of the hastas. These are called Viniyoga Slokas. Apart from the suggested viniyogas, the dancer may innovate, if found necessary, to convey the appropriate message to the audience.
[1] Pataakam [flag]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Natyarambhae vaarivahae vanai vastu nishedhanae
Kuchasthalae nishayam cha nadyam amaramandalae
Turangae khandanae vayo shayanae gamanodyamae
Pratapae cha prasadae cha chandrikayam Ghana tapae
Kavaadapaatanae saptavibhaktyarthae tharangae
Veedi praveshabhavepi samatvae cha angaragakae
Aatmarthae shapathae chapae thooshnim bhava nidharshanae
Thaalapatrae cha kheitae cha dravyadi sparshanae thatha
Aashirvadaekriyayam cha nrupa sreshtasya
Thatra Thatreti vachanae sindhyo cha sukruthikramae
Sambhodhanae purogaepae khadgarupasya dharanae
Masae samvathsarae varsha dinae sammarjanae thatha
Yevamardhyeshu yujanthae pataaka hasta bhavanaha
Sloka Translation:
Natyarambhae | Beginning of the dance |
Vaarivahae | Rain clouds |
Vanai | Forest |
Vastu nishedhanae | To deny, object, avoid |
Kuchasthalae | Bossom |
Nisha | Night |
Nadyam | River |
Amaramandalae | Heaven |
Thurangae | Horse |
Khandanae | Cutting |
Vayo | Wind |
Shayanae | Sleeping |
Gamanodhyamae | Walking |
Prataapae | Show power |
Prasaadae | Bless |
Chandrika | Moon light |
Ghana tapae | Strong sunlight |
Kavaadapaatana | Opening & closing door |
Sapthavibhakthiyarthaae | Mentioning of the seven cases |
Tharangae | Waves |
Veedi pravesha | Entering a street |
Samatvae | Equality |
Anga ragakae | Massaging or applying sandal paste |
Aathmarthae | Oneself |
Shapathae | Take an oath |
Thooshnim bhava nidharshanam | Silence, Secret act |
Thaala patrae | Palm leaf, write letter |
Kheitae | Shield |
Dravyadis sparshanae | Touching things |
Ashirvadae | Blessing |
Nrupa sreshtasya | Powerful king |
Thathra Tatreti vachanae | To say ‘this’ or ‘that’ |
Sindhyo | Ocean |
Sukrithikramae | To be good |
Sambhodhanam | Address someone |
Purogaipae | To move forward |
Khadga | Sword |
Roopasya | Form |
Dharanae | To wear |
Masae | Month |
Samvathsarae | Year |
Varsha dinae | Rainy day |
Sammarjanae | To sweep |
[2] Tripataakam [Three (parts of a) flag]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Makutae vrikshabhaavecha Vajrae Thaddharavasavae
Ketakae kusumae Deepae Vanhijwalavigrumbhanae
Kapoothae patralekhayaam Baanaarthae parivarthanae
Yujyathae Tripatzakoyaam Kathithou Bharatamuthamaihi
Sloka Translation:
Makutae | Crown |
Vriksha | Tree |
Vajrae | Thunderbolt |
Thaddharavasavae | Lord Indra |
Ketakae kusumae | A kind of flower |
Vanhijwalavi grumbhanae | To show flames |
Kapothae | Pigeon |
Patralekhayam | Drawing patterns on face or chest |
Baanaarthae | Shooting arrow |
Parivarthanae | Circling |
[3] Ardhapataakam [Half flag]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Pallavae phalakae theerae Ubhayorithivachakae
Krakachae Churikayam cha dhwajae gopura shringayoho
Yujyathae ardhapataakoyam Thathatkarmaprayogakae
Sloka Translation:
Pallavae | Leaves |
Phalakae | Writing pad |
Theerae | Bank of a river |
Ubhayorithi vachakae | To say Both |
Krakachae | Saw |
Churikayam | Knife |
Dhwajae | Flag |
Gopura | Gopuram of a Temple |
Shringayoho | Horns |
[4] Kartari Mukham [Scissors face]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Nayana-amtham Marana Bheda-bhavana
Vidhyu-dartha Api-yekashiyaa-viraha Patana Latayan
Yujathay Yasthu Sakara Kartarimukhaa
Sloka Translation:
Shtripum sayoosthu vishlasya | Separation of man and women |
Viparyaa sapaday pivaa | Opposition or overturning |
Luntana | Stealing or rolling |
Nayana-amtham | Corner of the eye |
Marana | Death |
Bheda-bhavana | Disagreement |
Vidhyu-dartha | Lightning |
Api-yekashiyaa-viraha | Married couple fights and separate / In separation from the loved one |
Patana | To fall down |
Latayan | A creeper |
[5] Mayura [Peacock]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Mayurasyam Latayancha Shakuna Vamana
Alakashyapa Nayana Lalaata-Tilakam-Shucha
Nadyu-Ddakasya-Niksheypam Shastra-Vaada Prasi-Dhaka
Evamarteshu Yujyanthe MayuraKara Bhaavanaaha
Sloka Translation:
Mayurasyam | Peacock |
Latayancha | A creeper vine climbing |
Shakuna | Bird of Omen |
Vamana | Vomiting |
Alakashyapa | Moving the hair/Decorating the forehead |
Nayana | Eye, putting Kajal |
Lalaata-Tilakam-Shucha | Putting Tilak mark on forehead |
Nadyu-Ddakasya-Niksheypam | Sprinkling water over the head; holy bathing |
Shastra-Vaada | Discussing the sastra |
Prasi-Dhaka | Very famous |
[6] Ardha Chandra [Half moon]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Chandray Krishna AshtamiBaaji Gala Hastartha Kepicha
BhalaYudha Devathanam Abishechana Karmani
Bukpathra Chudbava Katyaam Chintayam Athma-Vachakam
Dhyana Prathana Anganam-Sparsha
Prakruthanam Namaskaram Ardha Chandrani Jujyathay
Sloka Translation:
Chandray | Moon |
Krishna Ashtami Baaji | 8-day of the weaning moon |
Gala Hastartha Kepicha | Seizing one by the throat |
Bhala Yudha | A spear |
Devathanam Abishechana Karmani | Offering to God |
Bukpathra | Plate |
Chudbava | Origin or Birth |
Katyaam | Waist |
Chintayam | Thinking / Worrying |
Athma Vachakam | Contemplation |
Dhyana | Meditation |
Prathana | Prayers |
Anganam Sparsha | Touching the limbs |
Prakruthanam Namaskaram | Greeting common people |
Other usages include:
- bangle
- wrist
- mirror
- astonishment
- effort
- intemperance
- entirety
- beating time
- tying up the hair
- supporting the cheek in grief
- elephant ear
- expelling evil
- wiping sweat form the brow
- adolescence
- ability
- consecration
- eye brow
- cloth
- bow
- preeminence
- tightening the griddle
- making a vessel
- the body
- movement of the feet
- carrying a child
- the back
- white color
- Vaisya caste
[7] Araala [Bent]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Vishadhyam Amritam Panay Pranchanda Pavana
Sloka Translation:
Vishadhyam Amritam Panay | To drink poison, nectar etc |
Pranchanda Pavana | Strong winds (storm, gale etc) |
[8] Shuka Tundam [parrot’s peak]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Bhaana Prayooga Kunthartha Aalayasyas smridikarma
Marmookthyam Mugrabhava
Sloka Translation:
Bhaana Prayooga | Shooting an arrow |
Kunthartha | A Spear |
Aalayasyas smridikarma | Remembering the past |
Marmookthyam | Mystic feeling |
Mugrabhava | Angry Mood |
[9] Mushti [closed fist]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Shtiram Kachagraha Daartya Vasthvadeenaamcha Dharana
Maliaanam Yudhabava Mushti Hasta Ya Mishyate
Sloka Translation:
Shtiram | Steadiness |
Kachagraha | Grasping one’s hair |
Daartya | Courage |
Vasthvadeenaamcha Dharana | Holding things |
Maliaanam Yudhabava | Fighting mood of wrestlers |
Other usages include:
- grasping
- waist
- fruit
- agreement
- saying “Very well”
- sacrificial offering
- greeting common people
- carrying away
- string hold
- holding a book
- running
- lightness
- wrestling
- holding a shield
- holding the hair
- grasping a spear
[10] Shikharam [peak]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Madhana Kaamuka Sthamba
Nishchaya Pithrukarmani
Oshtra Pravishtaroopa
Radhana Prashnabhavana
Linga Naastheetivachana
Samarana Katibhandhakarshana
Parirambhavidikrama Gantaninadha
Sikhara Jujyate Bharata Dibi
Sloka Translation:
Madhana | Manmatha or Kama, the God of love |
Kaamuka | Bow |
Sthamba | Pillar |
Nishchaya | Certainty |
Pithrukarmani | Offering to ancestors |
Oshtra | Lips |
Pravishtaroopa | To pour liquid |
Radhana | Teeth |
Prashnabhavana | Questioning |
Linga | Shiva Lingam or Phallic symbol |
Naastheetivachana | Saying “I don’t know” |
Samarana | Recollection Abhinayaanthikam – Intimate suggestion |
Katibhandhakarshana | To lighten the waist band |
Parirambhavidikrama | Embracing |
Gantaninadha | Sounding a bell |
[11] Kapitham [elephant-apple]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Lakshmyamchiva Saraswatyam Veshtane Taladharane
Godohanechanjanecha Leelattasumadharane
Chelanchaladigrahane Patasyivavakuntane
Dhoopadeepaarchanechapi Kapithasamprayujyate
Sloka Translation:
Lakshmyamchiva | Goddess Lakshmi |
Saraswatyam | Goddess Saraswati |
Veshtane | Going Around |
Taladharane | Holding the cymbals (Tala) |
Godohanech | Milking the cows |
Anjanecha | Putting eye liners |
Leelattasumadharane | Holding Flowers |
Chelanchaladigrahane | Holding the Saree(pallu) |
Patasyivavakuntane | Draping a cloth on the face |
Dhoopadeepaarchanechapi | To Hold Lamp and Incense |
[12] Katakaa Mukha [opening in a bracelet]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Kusumaapachayae muktasrakdamnam dharanam
Sharamadhyaakarshanam Nagavallipradhanam
Kasturikaadivastunam peshana Gandhavasana
Vachana Drushti yujyathae katakamukha karaha
Sloka Translation:
Kusumaapachayae | Plucking flowers |
Muktasrakdamnam dharanam | Wearing a necklace of pearls or flowers |
Sharamadhyaakarshanam | Drawing the arrow at the centre of the bow |
Nagavallipradhanam | Offering betel leaves |
Kasturikaadivastunam peshana | Preparing paste of musk |
Gandhavasana | To smell |
Vachana | Speak |
Drushti | Glancing |
[13] Suchi [needle]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Ekarthepi arabrahmabhavanayam Shatapicha
Ravou Nagaryam Lokarthe Tathepivachanepicha
Yachabdepichatatchabdhe Vyajanarthepitarjane
Karshye Shalakavapushe Ashcharye Venibhavane
Chatre Samarthe Konecha Romalyam Bheribhedhane
Kulalachakrabhramane Rathange Mandaletatha
Vivechane Dinantecha Suchi Hasta Prakeertithaha
Sloka Translation:
Ekarthepi | Showing Number One |
arabrahmabhavanayam | Showing Para Brahma |
Shatapicha | To show 100 |
Ravou | Sun |
Nagaryam | City, Universe |
Lokarthe Tathepivachanepicha | Saying ‘That’s how it is’ |
Yachabdepichatatchabdhe | Asking when, why, who, how |
Vyajanarthepitarjane | Scaring |
Karshye Shalakavapushe | Thin or Skinny |
Ashcharye | Wonder |
Venibhavane | Showing the hair |
Chatre | Umbrella |
Samarthe | Capable |
Konecha | Room |
Romalyam | Excitement |
Bheribhedhane | Beating an instrument called Bheri |
Kulalachakrabhramane | Showing potter’s Wheel |
Rathange | Wheel of a chariot |
Mandaletatha | Group of People |
Vivechane Dinantecha | Thinking |
Suchi Hasta Prakeertithaha | Evening all these are shown using Suchi Hasta |
[14] Chandrakala [crescent]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Yesha Chandrakalaa chandrakallayame Vyujyate
Sloka Translation:
Yesha Chandrakalaa chandrakallayame Vyujyate | Moon |
[15] Padmakosha [lotus bud]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Phalae bilwa kapitha
Sthrinam cha kutch kumbhayoh
Avartakae kandukae sthalyam
Bhojanae pushpa koraka
Shakaraphala pushpavarsha
Manjarikaadishu japakusuma
Gantarupavidhanaka valmika
Kamala Anda Ethi padmakoshayo karaha
Sloka Translation:
Phalae bilwa kapitha | Various fruits |
strinam cha kutcha kumbhayoh | Round breast of a women |
Avartakae | Circular movement |
Kandukae | Ball |
Sthalyam | Bowl |
Bhojanae | Food |
Pushpa koraka | Flower garland |
Shakaraphala | Mango |
Pushpavarsha | Showering flowers |
Manjarikadishu | Cluster of flowers |
Japakusuma | Hibiscus flower |
Japakusuma –Gantarupa vidhanaka | Preparing big bowl of food for elephant or bell shape |
Valmika | Ant hill |
Kamala | Lotus |
Anda | Egg |
[16] Sarpasheersha [Snake’s hood]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Chandane Bhujage Mande Prokshane Poshanadishu
Devarshudakadaaneshu Hyaspale Gajakumbhayoho
Bhujaasphaletu Mallanaam Yujyate Sarpasheershakaha
Sloka Translation:
Chandane | Sandalwood paste |
Bhujage | Snake |
Mande | Slow |
Prokshane | Sprinkling |
Poshanadishu | Caring |
Devarshudakadaaneshu Hyaspale | Holy water |
Gajakumbhayoho | Elephant’s Forehead |
Bhujaasphaletu Mallanaam | To show the muscles of wrestlers |
Yujyate Sarpasheershakaha | Sarpasheersha hasta is used |
[17] Mrugasheersha [Deer’s head]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Streenamarthe Kapolecha Krama Maryadayorapi
Bheete Vivade Nepathye Aavasecha Tripundrake
Mukhamukhe Rangavalyom Paadasamvahanepicha
Sarvasammelanekaarye Mandire Chatradharane
Sopane Padavinyase Priyahvane Tathivacha
Sancharecha Prayujyeta Bharatagamakovidhihi
Sloka Translation:
Streenamarthe | To show Women |
Kapolecha | Cheeks |
Krama | Way of doing things |
Maryadayorapi | To show respect |
Bheete | Scare |
Vivade | Argument, |
Nepathye | Back Stage |
Aavasecha | The place of living |
Tripundrake | Forehead |
Mukhamukhe | Meeting of people |
Rangavalyom | Sacred design on the floor |
Paadasamvahanepicha | Massaging the feet |
Sarvasammelanekaarye | Getting people together |
Mandire | House |
Chatradharane | Holding an umbrella |
Sopane | Stairs |
Padavinyase | Gait |
Priyahvane Tathivacha | To call the loved one |
Sancharecha Prayujyeta Bharatagamakovidhihi | To show Movement this hasta is used |
[18] Simhamukha [Lion’s face]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Vidrume Mouktikechiva Sugandhe Alakasparshane
Aakarnanecha Prushati Moksharthe Hrudisamstitaha
Home Shashe Gaje Darbhachalane Padmadamini
Simhanane Vaidyapakashodhane Simhavakrakaha
Sloka Translation:
Vidrume | To show Coral |
Mouktikechiva | Pearl |
Sugandhe | Fragrance |
Alakasparshane | Curls |
Aakarnanecha | Hearing |
Prushati | Point |
Moksharthe | Salvation |
Hrudisamstitaha | Heart |
Home | Sacred fire |
Shashe | Rabbit |
Gaje | Elephant |
Darbhachalane | Sacred Grass |
Padmadamini | Flower |
Simhanane | Lion’s face |
Vaidyapakashodhane | Examining the medicinal preparations |
Simhavakrakaha | Simhamukha Hasta is used |
[19] Kangula [Tail]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Lakuchasya Phale Balakuche Kalharake tatha
Chakore Kramuke Baalakinkinyam Ghutikadike
Chaatake Yujyatechayam Kangoolakaranaamakaha
Sloka Translation:
Lakuchasya Phale | To show Lemon |
Balakuche | Breasts of a teenager |
Kalharake tatha | Flower called Kalhara |
Chakore | A bird called Chakora |
Kramuke | Beetle nut |
Baalakinkinyam | Jingles |
Ghutikadike | Tablets |
Chaatake | A bird called Chataka |
Yujyatechayam Kangoolakaranaamakaha | Kangoola Hasta is used |
[20] Alapadma [Lotus in full bloom]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Vikachaabjae Kapitthadiphalae cha
Aavarthakae Kuchae Virahae Mukurae
Poorna-chandrae Sowndarya-bhavanae
Dhamillae Chandrashalayam Gramae Uddhata kopayoho
Tatakae Shakatae Chakravakae Kalakalaravae Shlaganae
So alapadmashcha Keertito Bharatagamae
Sloka Translation:
Vikacha-abja | A fully bloomed lotus |
Kapittha-diphala | Wood apple |
Aavarthaka | Circular movement |
Kucha | Breast |
Viraha | Yearning to the beloved |
Mukura | Mirror |
Poorna-chandra | Full moon |
Sowndarya bhavana | Beautiful form |
Dhamilla | Hair-knot |
Chandra-shala | Moon pavilion |
Grama | Village |
Uddhathakopa | Great anger |
Tataka | Pond or lake |
Shakata | Cart |
Chakravaka | Type of bird |
Kala-kalarava | Murmuring sound |
Shlagana | Praise |
[21] Chatura [Square]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Kastooryam kinchidapyarthae
Swarnataamraadi lohakae
Aardrae khede rasaaswasae lochanae varnabhedakae
Pramanae sarasae mandhagamanae shakaleekrutae
Aasanae ghruta tailadao yujyatae chaturakaraha
Sloka Translation:
Kastooryaam | Fragrance from kastoori |
Kinchidapyarthe | Show small quantity |
Swarnataamraadilohake | Gold and other metals |
Aardre | Wetness |
Khede | Sadness |
Rasaaswade | Taste |
Lochane | Eye |
Varnabhedake | Differentiate color |
Pramane | Promise |
Sarase | Romance |
Mandhagamane | Slow movement |
Shakaleekrute | Breaking |
Aasane | Seated |
Ghruta | Molten butter |
Tailadou | Oil |
[22] Bhramara [Bee, Beetle]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Bhramarecha shukae yogae
SarasaeKokiladishu bhramarakhyascha
Hastoyam Keerthitho Bharatagamae
Sloka Translation:
Bhramarecha | Show honey bee |
Shukae | Parrot |
Yogae | Meditation |
SarasaeKokiladishu | Show birds like kokila sarasa |
[23] Hamsasya [Swan – beak]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Mangalyasutra bandhechapyupadesha
Vinishchayae Romanchae mouktikadoucha
Chitrasamlekhanae thatha
Damshathua jalabindoucha
Nikashae shodhanae mallikadou cha
Rekhavalekhanae malayaamvahanae
Sohambhavanayancha Roopakae
Naasteetivachanechapi Nikashanamchabhavane
Krutakrutyepi Hamsasyaha Eerito Bharatagame
Sloka Translation:
Mangalyasootrabandhe | Tying the sacred thread of marriage |
Upadeshe | Advice |
Vinishchaye | Decision |
Romanche | Excitement |
Mouktikadoucha | Pearls & other precious stones |
Chitrasamlekhane tatha | Drawing |
Damshetu | Fly |
Jalabindoucha | Drop of water |
Deepavarteeprasarane | Wick of the lamp |
Nikashe | Polishing |
Shodhane | Searching |
Mallikadou | Jasmine & other flowers |
Rekhavalekhane | Drawing a line |
Malayaamvahane | Holding garland |
Sohambhavanayancha Roopake | To say ‘i am Brahma’ |
Naasteetivachanechapi | Saying ‘No’ |
Nikashanamchabhavane | Looking at the polished article |
[24] Hamsapaksha [Swan – wing]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Shatsankhyayaam Setubandhe
Nakharakankhanetatha Vidhane
Hamsapakshoyam Keertito Bharatagame
Sloka Translation:
Shatsankhyayaam | To show number 6 |
Setubandhe | Bridge |
Nakharakankhanetatha | Impression of the nails |
Vidhane | Way of doing thing |
[25] Samdamsha [Pincers]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Udaare Balidanecha
Vranae Keetae Manobhaye
Archane Panchavakravye
Sloka Translation:
Udaare | To show Generosity |
Balidanecha | Sacrificial Offering |
Vranae | Wound |
Keetae | Insects |
Manobhaye | Fear |
Archane | Offering |
Panchavakravye | Number 5 |
[26] Mukula [Bud]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Kumudae bhojanae
Panchabanae mudradi dharanae
Nabhao cha kadalipushpae
Yujyathae mukula karaha
Sloka Translation:
Kumudae | To show the flower Lily |
Bhojanae | Eating |
Panchabane | Cupid, angel |
Mudradidharane | Smearing sacred marks on the body |
Naabhoucha | Belly button |
Kadaleepushpe | Banana Flower |
[27] Tamrachooda [Rooster]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Kukkutadou bakae kaakae
Ushtrae vatsae cha lekhanae
Keertitou Bharatagame
Sloka Translation:
Kukkutadou | To show Rooster |
Bakae | A bird called Baka |
Kaake | Crow |
Ushtre | Camel |
Vatsecha | Calf |
Lekhane | to show letters |
[28] Trishoola [Trident]
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Viniyoga Sloka
Bilwa patrae tritwayuktae
Trishoola karaeritaha
Sloka Translation:
Bilwapatre | To show a leaf called Bilwa |
Tritwayukte | To show the number 3 |
Images credit: Dmitry Rukhlenko
thank you for these valuable informations..
Awesome though.Thanks for uploading this information.
Unimaginable perfection and Excelleny in images and Explanations ! It’s really wonderful!
Thank you so much.very useful!
Wonderfully created.. good for basic learners
Thank you
Amazing work, thank you so much.
wow super
thank you for the deep inner meanings
Wonderful work
Thank you! Very useful information.
I have learned a lot. Thank you very much!
Thanks for sharing this info
tq so much iam interested for barthanatyam
Very useful.
thank you!! I needed this for my bharatnatyam exam😭🥹
It was so helpful to read about how the mudras are used and not just their meanings
Thank you💙
Very nice work
Thanks for making this resource available online.
Wonderful presentation for the upcoming dancers, thank you mam, please be posting such presentations
Thanks and regards